One of the great things about the Internet and Craigslist, is it makes things so much easier to find. And with Craigslist’s “erotic services” section, it was so much easier to find prostitution. No need to make some calls to someone “who knows someone” or go to the bad part of town to find ladies of the evening.
But as of yesterday, that’s no longer going to be the case. The site has voluntarily shut down the “erotic services” section which often allowed people to advertise prostitution which as one Bay Area prostitute said, “With Craigslist there is no need for pimps.”
The non prostitution and non-explicit sales can still happen on Craigslist’s newly monitored “adult services” section. Does that mean prostitution on Craigslist is now over? Far from it. It just means it’s going to be a lot harder to find. Which is exactly the situation we were in before Craigslist opened up its erotic service section. Listen or download this short (Time: 4:45) interview with WABC Radio host Curtis Sliwa where we discuss what Craigslist did.
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