I just got back from an exhausting few days at SXSW in Austin. It was my first time ever, and I must say it was great, but I got to see just a sliver of what was going on because I was producing a ton of videos for Tweetshare, which is a service that allows you to follow Twitter conversations around content. While I did some blogging and took a few photos, my focus was videos. In total I produced 47 videos. That’s a lot to consume, so below are my top ten favorites. I have links to all the other videos below. Check them out, and if you like any, please leave a comment on Tweetshare which will automatically send out a tweet to all your followers.
Click on each thumbnail to watch the video. To leave a comment on Tweetshare you’ll need to log in with your Twitter ID and password.
My top ten favorite videos from SXSW (that I shot)
Video blogger extraordinaire, Steve Garfield, and author of Get Seen |
Facebook’s Randi Zuckerberg on motivating people around the world to take action for social good. And watch my appearance in her “Rock Band” video. | |
Absolutely fantastic rant from Jeff Pulver on real-time information changing the way we live. Read my report “Real-time search and discovery of the social web.” | |
Mashable’s Pete Cashmore on when the wisdom of crowds falls apart. | |
Joe Jaffe on how people can be motivated through challenges to achieve a better social good. | |
Interview with Leo Laporte @leolaporte right after he crowd surfed at the Digg party while streaming live. Includes video of him crowd surfing. | |
Brian Brushwood, magician and host of Revision3’s “Scam School” on how his show has developed with audience feedback. | |
Investor and Master of 500 Hats, Dave McClure on techniques to engage super users. | |
Diggnation co-host, Alex Albrecht, and his mom with some embarassing stories about his childhood. | |
Brian Brushwood, host of Revision3’s “Scam School”, initiating the hoax that Conan O’Brien was going to join Revision3. |
Here are all the other videos
- VIDEO: A new blog for mini social media case studies. Love it. My interview w/ Scott Perry @mktgideas on the tales.
- VIDEO: Breakdancing at the @rackspace party.
- VIDEO: How do you take great photos? Photographer of the social media stars @wmmarc explains portrait taking secrets.
- VIDEO: Is it raining inside of the Austin Sheraton? 5th floor sprung a leak.
- VIDEO: On way to LBJ Library, cab driver tells NSFW tales of LBJ in the White House.
- VIDEO: In Austin for sxsw, cab driver tells us tales of his life before driving a cab. It’s always fascinating.
- VIDEO: Watch President LBJ as a stand up comedian!
- VIDEO: Are social media challenges for Latinos different? @ketye & @juliediazasper run Latinos in Social Media.
- VIDEO: Interview with fellow Traveling Geek, @fredericl of @readwriteweb on solutions for security with location based apps.
- VIDEO: CEO of MOG @mogdotcom on their new mobile service. Unlimited download and streaming to iPhone or Android $10/mo
- VIDEO: Mike Melanson @rwwmike on why Wikipedia needs to be a trusted source of information.
- VIDEO: Paul Kane of BSkyB on techniques to build innovation. Great advice.
- VIDEO: Panel comment from @petecashmore @mashable on blogging behavior and correcting mistakes and who cares.
- VIDEO: Panel comment from @petecashmore @mashable on journalists’ new role.
- VIDEO: Jeremy Porter @journalistics on how PR should approach journalists. Build relationships.
- VIDEO: Interview w/ @prsarahevans on being a super user. Finding and being.
- VIDEO: Interview w/ @problogger Darren Rouse about making money from blogging. No quick fixes, so don’t try.
- VIDEO: Interview w/ stars of @revision3 show “Web Zero” @nickcomardo @ianfreeze.
- VIDEO: Interview w/ Deb Schultz @debs about changes at SXSW. Interactive is now the communication architecture for all industries.
- VIDEO: Interview w/ @pistachio on Twitter fostering developers in the Twitter ecosystem.
- VIDEO: Where can I get a Vanilla Coke in Madagascar and other questions for @cocacola. @pfasano interview.
- VIDEO: My interview w/ @revision3 CEO @jlouderb about rabid fans.
- VIDEO: My interview with Gary Vaynerchuk @garyvee on interacting with rabid fans.
- VIDEO: David Hale @lostonroute66 has a great story about battling state legal restrictions to get his own personal genome
- VIDEO: Andrew @Mager of ZDNet gives the lowdown on what’s happening at SXSW
- VIDEO: Squeezing health issues into SXSW when they won’t let you. Interview with Chia Hwu @chiah.
- VIDEO: Interview with Michael Tchong @ubercool, founder of the upcoming Trendshow: Trends and Innovation.
- VIDEO: Interview with @mashable ‘s @adamostrow on garnering support to win the Pepsi Refresh challenge. $50K prize.
- VIDEO: Vid of the Diggnation beer guzzle challenge @alexalbrecht @kevinrose @dlprager.
- VIDEO: Watch my interview w/ Digg CEO @JayAdelson as he discusses NEWEST changes in Digg.
- VIDEO: Brian Brushwood of @revision3 Scam School @shwood eating FIRE.
- VIDEO: Diggnation crowd goes crazy just for fuzzy dice @alexalbrecht @kevinrose.
- VIDEO: Know that cool app, Bump? Find out what’s coming next in this vid w/ founder @bumptech
- VIDEO: Video of world record of licking fingers clean of barbecue sauce at Diggnation party.
- VIDEO: Vid of Brian Brushwood @shwood does a cool cup trick on stage at Diggnation party.
- VIDEO: Brian Brushwood’s @shwood card trick last night at Diggnation party.