I’m a huge San Francisco-phile. Not only do I live in this great city, but I’m also a little bit of a local historian and occasionally give walking tours of the city for my friend’s business, Foot Tours. I was just thinking about some of the commercials that have been shot here in San Francisco. Since the city is so scenic, you really can’t go wrong shooting a commercial here. But I think the best commercials are ones that don’t just show off the beauty of the city, but rather play with it as a prop. The following three commercials below do just that.
San Francisco as a giant pinball machine
Advertiser: Pepsi
Snowball down streets of San Francisco
Advertiser: Travelers Insurance
Super balls on San Francisco hills
Advertiser: Sony Bravia
And if you’re interested in going on a walking tour with me, let me know. My most popular tour is “Nude, Lewd, and Crude: The Rise of Strippers, Beats, and Comedians in San Francisco’s North Beach from the 1950s to 1970s.” Ping me. If we can get a big enough group together, I’ll take you on a tour.
Creative Commons photo attribution to Håkan Dahlström