You know what I’m never going to get? More hours in the day. What I need to do is find a way to make the most of the hours that I do have. At SF New Tech in San Francisco I asked startup pros that have zero concept of 9 to 5 work hours what their top tip for productivity is. Here are their answers.
Thanks to the following people for participating: Laura Doehle, (@lauradoehle), Tom Charts (@thomasCharts), Christelle Colin (@enfantashistoire), Emmanuelle Bresson (@manuebresson), Philip Cortes (@philipcortes), Gargi Datta (@Gargi), Jungle Bird (@junglebird), Jaime Rose (@ms_jaimerose), Trevor Hicks (@trevorjhicks), Ryan Bell (@rybellus), Jonathan Ditroia (@jonathanDiTroia), Mia Aguillon (@stainedglasslab), Kristine Pinedo (@kristine_pinedo), Redg Snodgrass (@redgsnodgrass), Kyle Ellicott (@kyleellicott), Ian Fletcher, Josephine Lau, Michael O’Donnell (@photo), Peter Mullen (@pemullen), Christine Oneto (@christine1oneto), David Mandell (@dgmandell), Jimmy Tomczak (@paperfeet), Mike Hrostoski (@Hrostoski), Chris Macdonald (@cbmac11), Cathy Goerz (@cathygoerz), Porter Gale (@portergale), Ben Deal (@therealbendeal), Dave Mathews (@ggdm), Shahar Nechmad (@nechmads), Lea Haep, Nadine Kaesler (@plutchko), Philipp Buhl, Kevin Marchel, Nick Chirichillo, Jeff Kirschner (@jeffkirschner), Landon Lerner, @shpare, Neil Pretlow, Shaun Saunders (@graffitipr), Ash Eldritch, Rika Nakazawa (@rikamarien), and everyone else whose names I unfortunately didn’t capture. Plus thanks to Myles Weissleder (@mylerdude) and SF New Tech (@sfnewtech).