Post image for Tear Down Show #2: Firing People on Public Conference Calls

Tear Down Show #2: Firing People on Public Conference Calls

on August 13, 2013

With the help of my good friend Michael Wolf (@michaelwolf), founder and analyst of NextMarket Insights, we have launched a brand new roundtable podcast, called the “Tear Down Show.” The goal of the show is to gather experts from multiple disciplines and attack topical issues from multiple angles. This is a special preview episode. Enjoy and let us know what you think. In fact, please click on the SpeakPipe link on the right and record your recommendation for Jeff Bezos as to what he should do with the Washington Post.

Guests are:

David Burk (@burkburk), the digital marketing guy and a Partner for Digital Integration with Fleishman Hillard.
Stowe Boyd (@stoweboyd), the futurist and Head of Social and Future of Work Research at GigaOM Research and Frontman for Stowe Boyd & the Messengers.

Today’s topics:

  • The media flurry around Jeff Bezos purchasing the Washington Post
  • AOL layoffs at Patch and Tim Armstrong fires and employee live on a conference call
  • Adobe’s CreativeDay campaign
  • Senator Diane Feinstein’s antiquated definition of “real journalists”
  • Designers take a stab at content around dating with
  • Lithium’s not so funny “Get Serious About Social” Campaign
  • Learning about the analyst you’re going to pitch
  • Eventbrite invite to a bar party that requires you to include your birth date
  • YouTube’s improved content targeting through email alerts

Plugs for all:

Stock image of “You’re Fired” stamp courtesy of Bigstock Photo.

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