Visibility Tactic #5: Create the Definitive Industry Content Piece

January 29, 2015

Place your stake as to being in industry leader by owning a specific industry topic.

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How to Use Self-Obsession As a Powerful Marketing Strategy

January 27, 2015

Why not use our mutual self-interest to your advantage? A great marketing strategy is a relationship-first strategy. It takes time and effort, but the payoff is huge.

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Visibility Tactic #4: Architect Virality into Your Content

January 26, 2015

Hoping your content will go viral is not a strategy. Instead insert viral “hooks” to insure a certain level of pass along of your content.

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Visibility Tactic #3: Connect Industry Thought Leaders Through Your Content

January 21, 2015

Influencers don’t achieve that status because they announce, “I’m an influencer.” They become influencers because others recognize them as such.

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Visibility Tactic #2: Align Your Brand with More Well-Known Brands

January 20, 2015

Elevate the perception of your brand by building associations between your brand and much larger brands.

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80 Annoying Communications That Must End – the Ebook

January 14, 2015

A five year collection of our most popular communication annoyances. Download, read, and please be irritated.

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Visibility Tactic #1: How to Increase Your Discoverability and Thought Leadership

January 12, 2015

Why your content strategy must have both proactive and reactive elements.

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Why You’re Failing if Marketing is Your Only Content Strategy

January 7, 2015

There are so many other business services that can be activated by your content strategy beyond just marketing.

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What I’ve Learned Running a Content Marketing Business for Eight Years

January 2, 2015

Some free advice from eight years running a business, and eleven years being in the industry of content marketing, custom publishing, and brand journalism.

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7 “Must Do” Social Media Tactics Most People (Like Me) Ignore

October 29, 2014

Myself and other social media “pundits” offer up a lot of advice. How much do I adhere to and how can you and I improve doing what we should “must do.”

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